Everything I’ve seen of Throne and Liberty has taken place on land. At least that was true until I was exploring a port out of pure curiosity and saw a ship sail into harbor. What choice did I have? I had to climb aboard and see where it would take me. This was my unexpected journey on a ship captained by a man named Hearty Yoho.

Up until this point I thought the water was just a pleasant aesthetic in the game world. A useful boundary to the player that evokes a sense of adventure and mystery as a player looks out into a sea they can not cross. I had recently been exploring the cash shop with the free premium currency the game gave me for beta and bought a turtle transmog for when I enter my swimming form and I wanted to test it out. I was up on a hill at a city and down below me were vineyards leading to a harbor so there I went.

Swimming as a turtle I saw the ship approaching me. As it docked in the harbor I had only one immediate thought, I had to see where the ship came from. This is one of the beautiful things about an MMO that builds a living world. There are people, places, and events that make you curious and want to explore. Some MMO’s do this well while others like New World miss the mark. Now, let’s set sail on one of the most unique sailing experiences I’ve ever had.

The ship stopped at an island (rock?) in the middle of the ocean to rest. On that was little rock was a cute little Amitoi. I thought I’d be able to collect it but that wasn’t the case. Instead you can interact with it. I pet him, fed him treats, and talked to him. There was a unique animation when it was eating. However the time to explore was short because we had somewhere to go so the captain Hearty Yoho let me know if I don’t board soon he’s leaving me. Back on the ship with my interest fully peaked it was time to continue this intriguing adventure.

The captain starts a dialogue and says that it’s possible to see dolphins in the waters ahead and to keep an eye out. And guess what happened next. Looking behind the ship a pod of dolphins started swimming up towards our ship and jumping out of the water. This was a masterpiece. The dev team took the time to bring this journey to life and make it amazing for the player. We weren’t just going from one harbor to the other we were experiencing the world they had built for us, the player. I watched the dolphins until they swam away and our ship continued on it’s journey.

Eventually the journey came to an end without any additional stops. As we pulled up to the harbor I realized we were in Kastleton only a few feet from where new players first set foot in the world. If instead of going straight into the town you just looked to your left when you first spawned in you would be able to hop on this ship and travel to a far away town. It’s best you don’t though, as it’s better enjoyed later.

As I finish writing this I just had an intriguing thought. I’ve only taken the boat one way, from Vienta Port to Kastleton, if I get on at Kastleton I’m sure the captain takes a different route to Vienta Port. I guess I have another journey I better go on. Maybe I’ll see you on the seas of Solisium.

By Matt